Think About It
Think About It
Mission Statement and Purpose of this Blog
The Bible tells us to love the Lord with all our mind (Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27).
Certainly, the heart, soul, and strength are important as found in those same verses, but loving the Lord with our mind is something that we can all improve upon. My goal is to motivate you to love the Lord with your mind both practically and doctrinally as we look at various topics. These posts will concern doctrinal, theological, or practical issues; they may also include book reviews or recommendations. The mission of this blog is to honor the Lord and His word, helping you to think on Biblical truth that will motivate you in your daily walk with Jesus Christ, and to engage our culture by being salt and light to a world in desperate need of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Of course, one cannot fully discuss any subject in one blog post, or even a series of posts, so, first, I hope to make you think about the content of the post. Secondly, I hope to make you want to dig deeper into the subject on your own. And, thirdly, I hope to recommend other resources that can help you to understand the subject more fully.
And you can help me...I welcome your feedback and questions. Maybe you have an idea for a topic or a question that I can attempt to answer directly or in a future post. Please use our online form, or email me at:
I'm looking forward to writing and submitting these -- and forward, equally, to hearing from you!
Think About It!